Electronic Signature (ESIGN)
Consent Disclosure
​This notice contains important information that you are entitled to receive before you consent to electronic records and electronic signatures in connection with your account(s) at Tiphaus. Please read this notice carefully and print or download a copy for your files.
In order to electronically review and retrieve the documents related to your account(s) with Tiphaus, Inc. (“Tiphaus”) and delivered to you in connection with this request for consent (“Documents”), you hereby consent to Tiphaus electronically displaying or delivering the Documents and other disclosures and contracts related to your account(s). Tiphaus recommend you print or download them and retain them for your records.
In order to access the Documents electronically, you must have:
A computer or mobile device with an Internet connection
Android and current IOS platforms for phones
The ability to view and retain Portable Document Format (PDF) files
An email address
Either a printer, hard drive or other storage device
You represent that you have the hardware, software, email address and capacities described above, and your ability to read this Consent demonstrates that you have the necessary hardware and software to receive Communications electronically.​
Your consent does not mean that the Tiphaus must provide all Documents related to your account(s) electronically. Tiphaus, at its option, may deliver documents or otherwise communicate with you on paper if it chooses to do so.
You have the right to change back to non-electronic delivery of statements.
Tiphaus does not offer a non-electronic delivery of statements. If you choose this option, you agree that your account(s) will be closed, and existing balance(s) will be returned to you.
You agree to print out or download the Documents when we advise you to do so and keep them for your records. If you have any trouble printing or downloading any of the Documents, you may contact us by telephone at 253-693-0366 or by email at hello@hausmoneyapp.com.
If you wish to change your notification email address, you may do so within the mobile app, by telephone at 253-693-0366, or by email at hello@hausmoneyapp.com.
I have read the information about the use of electronic records, disclosures, notices, and email, and consent to use of electronic records for the delivery of documents, including disclosures and other notices, in connection with my account(s) at insert firm name. I have been able to view this information using my computer and software. I have an account with an Internet Service Provider, and I am able to send email and receive emails with hyperlinks to websites and attached files. I also consent to the use of electronic records and electronic signatures in connection with my account(s) to Tiphaus in place of written documents and handwritten signatures.
Electronic Signature (E-SIGN) Consent Disclosure
Version 1
Last Updated: 06/01/2022